
Today a parent told me, it’s so hard to tell her child NO! I asked her why! She explained that it hurts the child’s feeling.

Do you think this will create a problem for the child later on in life? Or Do you think this will create a problem for the mom later on in life?

5 thoughts on “IS TELLING A CHILD” NO” OK?

  1. Kelli Brown says:

    Victoria – the child’s artwork is phenomenal! Thank you for sharing…and yes memories mean everything…always make the most of them! Do good and good will come…


    • parentmeblog says:

      THIS is one peace of art work that means the word to me. Just like this child I felt as if I COULDN’T be a great teacher. I often felt that I wasn’t smart enough to guide or teach anyone. To be honest there were small factors in my life that caused me to feel that way. Nevertheless, knowing I was apart of support system for my students I pushed myself as hard as I pushed my student in overcome the painful shadows of the word “I CAN’T “!


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